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Cuyahoga development in VS.NET 2005 has improved

The preview of the new ASP.NET web application project model was just released and I decided to give it a try.

The ASP.NET (VS.NET) guys have done a great job! All the new ASP.NET 2.0 stuff combined with class libraries as projects. They couldn't have chosen a better way to suit Cuyahoga :).

Now to show that it really works, here's a screenshot of Cuyahoga in a VS.NET 2005 solution with a newly created module and the Cuyahoga.Web project converted to an ASP.NET 2.0 web application project.

Note that the migration wizard to convert VS.NET 2003 projects to the new VS 2005 model isn't ready yet, but it is not a problem with class library projects. These convert fine. Then, to convert a class library project to a web application project, I just added the line:


to the Cuyahoga.Web.csproj file and it seems to do the trick.

To my surprise, I also noticed that the need for IIS has disappeared. After hitting F5, the Cassini server started and ran Cuyahoga nicely on port 8080.

12/17/2005 6:00:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category ASP.NET 2.0 Comments 6

  • Great news :P

    When I can put my hands on the next release (Cuyahoga) with framework 2.0 support?


    by rbfigueira - 1/6/2006 10:41:12 AM
  • <ProjectTypeGuids>{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21};{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}</ProjectTypeGuids>

    How can i do that to make it work?

    by Ferric - 2/20/2006 6:44:52 PM
  • A good thing to know if you would like to use MySQL and the new ASP.net 2.0 is that you need to update the MySql.Data.dll.
    Follow this link and you will find a version for 2.0

    by x3mdesign - 4/16/2006 3:06:18 PM
  • hi,
    can you explain little bit more, I have still problems to start new ASP.net module in cuyahoga.

    by malkeet - 5/20/2008 7:34:56 AM
  • Thank you for taking the time to write this blog post. Much appreciated, very valuable information.

    by Panerai Watches - 6/19/2010 9:35:11 AM
  • Thank you for taking the time to write this blog post. Much appreciated, very valuable information.

    by Panerai Watches - 6/19/2010 9:35:52 AM
