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Cuyahoga news

A new look

As you already may have noticed, the Cuyahoga site has a new look. Big thanks go out to Mayur Upadhyaya and the team at Glow Labs for creating this wonderful template.

We also have a new logo that is created by John Lynch. It is based on the old logo, but it has a nice 3d effect added to it.

3/3/2010 4:57:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Website Comments 5

  • It took me almost two weeks after you posted this announcement to visit, but I'm incredibly impressed by the new look.

    Great job to everyone involved!

    by Locutus - 3/16/2010 10:14:34 AM
  • Great look! I also like the new typo.

    by El Gringo - 3/31/2010 3:51:09 PM
  • I like the new template. Simple and corporate themed.

    by turning winds - 4/16/2010 1:34:57 PM
  • New logo is awesome.

    by Ali Özgür - 5/28/2010 2:24:07 PM
  • yes, it's nice)

    by hashishin - 3/29/2011 5:19:16 PM
