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Search testdrive

You can now search the Cuyahoga website. Before releasing it with the new version, this site temporarily serves as a test environment  for the search to see how it behaves in a production environment. Just give it a try!

The search functionality is build with DotLucene. This is a very nice indexer and search engine. It doesn't take care of gathering the content, so you have to build that yourself. Therefore the modules that are searchable have to implement the ISearchable interface. When done, all indexing happens automagically (after adding, updating or deleting content). You can also rebuild the entire search index from the administration site.

Searching will be included in the next version (0.6.0). This version will be released in a few days. I just have to fix some little bugs and I'll add a language switcher module to show how Cuyahoga handles multi-lingual websites.

2/14/2005 11:30:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 0
