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Cuyahoga news

Cuyahoga 0.6.0 released

It took a little longer than the previous releases, but here it is: Cuyahoga 0.6.0.

Highlights of this release are:

  • Search
    You can now index and search content. Currently the content of the Articles module and the StaticHtml module is indexed by default. A more technical explanation of how the search works can be found here.
  • LanguageSwitcher
    From the first release, Cuyahoga supported content localization but it was not so obvious how to achieve it. Content for a different language or culture has to have its own root node (within an existing site). You have to build a structure of nodes and sections for each language.
    The LanguageSwitcher module enables easy navigation between the localized site structures.
  • New template and navigation control
    Customizing and skinning of Cuyahoga is not very easy for non-ASP.NET developers. The new template is set up in such a way that most customizing can be done by only modifying the stylesheet.

2/20/2005 11:51:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 5

  • use OpenSmtp(http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensmtp-net/) to send email.

    public static void Send(string to, string from, string subject, string body)
    OpenSmtp.Mail.MailMessage msg = new OpenSmtp.Mail.MailMessage(from,to);
    msg.Subject = subject;
    msg.Body = body;

    //Resolve SMTPServer configuration.
    //SMTPServer configuration format: [UserName]:[Password]@[Server]:[Port]
    //Example: test:test@smtp.test.com:25
    string config = Config.GetConfiguration()["SMTPServer"];
    string[] configAry = config.Split(new char[] {'@'});
    string[] usrpwdAry = configAry[0].Split(new char[] {':'});
    string[] svrportAry = configAry[1].Split(new char[] {':'});
    string username = usrpwdAry[0];
    string password = usrpwdAry[1];
    string server = svrportAry[0];
    int port = Convert.ToInt16(svrportAry[1]);

    Smtp mailsvr = new Smtp(server,username,password,port);

    by bestcomy - 2/24/2005 1:31:01 AM
  • Well, could you please elaborate why we should choose this one over System.Web.Mail? System.Web.Mail is built in and even works on Mono.

    by Martijn Boland - 2/24/2005 1:35:44 PM
  • Or better, open a forum topic :)

    by Martijn Boland - 2/24/2005 1:36:42 PM
  • I don't know how to provide username and password from smtp server authentication when using System.Web.Mail. I never test this code on Mono. maybe it's not a good solution for Mono compatible.

    by bestcomy - 2/24/2005 8:46:15 PM
  • I back Martijn on the use of OpenSMTP. Is is much more flexable and I've had less problems with it with authenticated SMTP than the native System.Web.Mail code.

    by Richard Bourque - 8/31/2005 5:14:25 AM
