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Article series about Cuyahoga and NHibernate

From the statistics of this site, it became clear that many people are coming to this place because they want to know something about NHibernate. So that's why I'm trying to do an article series about all NHibernate related stuff in Cuyahoga. Check out my first attempt in the Developers section. It's about configuration and session management. The next article will cover the various mappings that are in Cuyahoga.

4/26/2005 1:05:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 4

  • "From the statistics of this site, it became clear that many people are coming to this place because they want to know something about NHibernate."

    Just wanted to say hello and expect even more visitors now, we have linked to you from NHibernate Confluence home page ;-)


    by Sergey Koshcheyev - 5/10/2005 1:28:26 PM
  • That's great Sergey. Let's hope Cuyahoga can handle the all these visitors ;-)

    by Martijn Boland - 5/10/2005 1:53:55 PM
  • Do you know the links doesn't work?

    by Harry Chou - 8/9/2005 9:45:00 AM
  • http://www.martijnboland.com/16/section.aspx/24 link does not work

    by tariq ahmed - 8/31/2005 12:15:50 AM
