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Cuyahoga news

Cuyahoga runs on .NET 2.0

The current version in SVN can be built with VS.NET 2005 Beta 2 and runs on ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server 2005 Express without any modifications.
There were a few little issues to solve to make it work on .NET 2.0 perfectly, but all of these were very easy to solve.

9/25/2005 1:06:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 2

  • Most of the links on your home page are not working.

    You in case you had not noticed. :)

    by Blair - 9/27/2005 1:01:54 PM
  • Some links are indeed not working because the site moved to its own domain and there are still some relative links.

    If you visit the site with http://www.cuyahoga-project.org, everything should work.

    Still need to find a nice way to handle urls that are in the content though.

    by Martijn Boland - 9/27/2005 3:38:19 PM
