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Cuyahoga news

The Cuyahoga 1.0 roadmap (and beyond)

Lately, more and more people are starting to use Cuyahoga or are developing modules. Especially for those people, I'd like to make some things clear of where we are heading the coming weeks / months.

First, the next release will be 0.9.1. This release contains two major new features:

  • Module connections
    A module can implement two interfaces, one for actions and parameters it provides and another one that describes the actions and parameters a module can consume. It's a loose way of  connecting modules, but it makes it possible to navigate across modules and pages (nodes). For example, think of a search input module connected to a search results module or a profile module that has connections from the articles module and the login module.
  • Sections in templates
    In some scenarios it's necessary to have the same content on every page or a on group of pages. Currently, all sections (that contain the content modules) have a fixed position in the site hierarchy. In the next version it's going to be possible to detach sections from the site hierarchy and put those in a 'bag' with detached sections. Now when editing the properties of a template, it's going to be possible to link one ore more detached sections to one or more templates. Possible examples are a footer section, the connected search input module  (see above), a breadcrumbs module or even a custom made navigation module.
Then, for Cuyahoga 1.0, there won't be any new features. Only stabilizing and bugfixing (and I'm sure this will keep us busy enough :).

After 1.0 I'd like to split up core development and module development. The current modules are lacking in several areas and I just haven't got the time to make them better. This is where any help is highly appreciated.
For the core, the focus after 1.0 will be to make Cuyahoga a more powerful CMS. Things like categorization, better search, better syndication and a much improved admin interface.

Finally about ASP.NET 2.0: the runtime doesn't break anything in Cuyahoga but the development environment is so different that  I'm first going to look how other projects migrate before trying anything ;).

11/7/2005 3:49:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 2

  • This looks great! I'm looking forward to implement some modules... :D

    by Joakim Gran - 11/10/2005 2:17:41 PM
  • me to. :D

    by identy - 6/30/2006 1:38:38 PM
