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Cuyahoga news

Cuyahoga 0.9.1 released

A new Cuyahoga version is available for download. This is the 0.9.1 version and is the last version with functional changes before the 1.0 release.

Highlights are:

  • Module connections
    It's now possible to connect different sections across pages. The modules in these sections have to implement special interfaces to allow this (IActionConsumer and IActionProvider). For an example, check out the UserModule (IActionProvider) and ProfileModule (IActionConsumer) in /Modules/User.
  • Sections in templates
    Sections are not exclusively related to a node (page) anymore, but can be created stand-alone. It's possible to attach these sections to templates, so that they appear on every page where a certain template is used. On this site, the login box on the right is an example of a section connected to the template.
The module development guide will be updated soon with these features.

See the release notes for a complete overview of the changes. Downloads are at the usual place. Special thanks to Steen Rabol for fixing a few issues.

11/13/2005 9:31:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 8

  • Cuyahoga 0.9.1 source Cannot download

    by yonghua - 11/15/2005 6:38:53 AM
  • Please try again. It should just work (although I must say that the server is slow).

    by Martijn Boland - 11/15/2005 8:03:23 AM
  • Try not to use a download manager like flashget or getright, it will usually end up in a corrupt file. Martijn I must really compliment you on a great work so far on Cuyahoga, thanks alot, you really deserve the credit!

    Just a note, the server is really really slow on the downloads and it frequently cuts the connection halfway. Maybe you can try hosting them on sourceforge, I guess it will do us alot more convinience as well.

    Keep up the excellent work!

    by hiyou - 11/15/2005 4:44:09 PM
  • After downloading, the decompression appears 0.9.1-src.Zip: Cannot be expected compressed file terminal

    by yonghua - 11/16/2005 5:28:40 AM
  • Might download the integrity package,I come from China, please many looks after,thanks.

    by yonghua - 11/20/2005 6:34:32 AM
  • Martijn, When i download the source zip-file, and try to open it this message apears:

    Unexpected end of archive

    Is it a problem with the slow server?


    Rutger van Hagen

    by rutgervanhagen - 11/21/2005 5:10:10 AM
  • I'm suspecting that a request timeout causes the broken zip. Just tried it myself and with a download speed of about 30 kb/s the file is allright.

    But the downloads will move to SourceForge soon (just waiting for acceptance now).

    by Martijn Boland - 11/21/2005 5:48:06 AM
  • I've temporarily increased the ASP.NET execution timeout. Perhaps this will resolve some of the download problems.

    by Martijn Boland - 11/22/2005 3:22:37 PM
