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Hosting suggestions

As you may have noticed, the site is not performing too well lately. I contacted the support staff and tried to improve things. They were very helpful and things improved for a couple of times, but every time, after a few days things got worse again.
Therefore, I decided that it's time to move to a different host. Does anybody has any recommendations for reliable hosting? Since decent hosting comes at a price, anyone willing to sponsor is welcome :).

4/17/2006 2:51:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Website Comments 15

  • Are you aiming at dedicated server, virtual server or hosting?

    by Maximilian Gaerber - 4/19/2006 12:07:28 AM
  • Doesn't matter as long as it is stable and fast. But, having the opportunity to also host jira and the wiki would be a plus :).

    by Martijn Boland - 4/19/2006 3:09:54 AM
  • Maybe it's time to put a "donate" button on the homepage, I am certainly going to use it

    by Maximilian Gaerber - 4/19/2006 6:08:35 AM
  • Hehe, I just recently enabled the donate button on the SF homepage...

    by Martijn Boland - 4/19/2006 6:40:32 AM
  • I am using http://3essentials.com/ and am quite plesed so far. I only have a couple of sites so far but they have done a great job of assisting when needed and the service seems quite stable.


    by Matthew Nichols - 4/19/2006 8:58:58 AM
  • Howdy,

    A couple of my developers are working on additions to cuyahoga and we'd be happy to donate space but would like to know more about specific hosting needs. Drop me an email at john.mains@softwyre.com.

    John Paul

    by John Mains - 4/19/2006 7:44:07 PM
  • I use DiscountASP.net to host our user group website. Haven't had any problems with them so far.

    by chrisortman - 4/21/2006 12:24:14 PM
  • I'm currently using discountASP and for now I have lot of troubles to make Cuyahoga works on their box (NHibernate + SQL Server 2000). But for other asp.net sites it's good and cheap hosting.

    by Dominique Paris - 4/23/2006 8:29:01 AM
  • Back to my previous comment. In fact, everything works fine on DiscountASP and I noticed that the new website (you will see it soon with a great Photo Gallery and slide show module soon....) is running fast. Good deal!

    by Dominique Paris - 4/24/2006 11:09:25 AM
  • I'm using OrcsWeb and have been very happy with the service.

    by Jim Geurts - 5/2/2006 3:30:40 PM
  • There are two hosting companies that I recommend. I've listed them in the order of my preference.

    They both have excellent support and service, with outstanding technology.

    1. CrystalTech.com

    These folks have the best value for your dollar, in that you get really good tools for the least amount of money.

    2. InterMedia.net

    These folks have the most comprehensive tools and suite of products, but cost more than CrystalTech as a result.

    by G. Richard Bellamy - 5/3/2006 11:38:50 AM
  • I am currently looking into using Cuyahoga as a basis for my CMS needs, so I think I can give a hand by sponsering the hosting, at least for some time.

    What size is the site + jira + wiki? if it is not too much I'll be able to host it, and let you a control panel and an ftp account to manage it.

    Please contact me at "egozi13 at hotmail.com", and I hope i'll be able to help with this.

    I am also interested in the way you see the source structure, and the reason to use a Class Library instead of a Web Project. I am working now on rearanging te solution as a VS2005 solution, using Web Site Project.

    by Ken Egozi - 5/7/2006 6:20:22 AM
  • Hello, I am hosting at www.protagonist.nl and after some getting started issues it's working ok, a lot better performance than webhost4life. The database management seems a little bit cracky if you create more than one.

    by Martin Dekker - 5/9/2006 2:31:30 PM
  • Martijn, can you provide us with more specifications on the hosting requirements. I will see what I can arrange for free of next to free hosting.

    - Do you need full remote access (remote desktop) or an full equiped HELM console is enough?
    - Current disk space and estimated growth?
    - Current monthly bandwith for the last three months?
    - Any unlicensed software?
    - Any specific uptime and performance requirements?
    - How much have you been paying monthly until now?
    - Any serious crashes or reboot in the last 4 months?

    Hope I can help you, thanks.

    by mathieu - 5/25/2006 8:01:28 PM
  • Mathieu, thanks for the offer, but we already have a new host.

    by Martijn Boland - 5/30/2006 9:50:49 AM
