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Cuyahoga news

Cuyahoga 2.0 progress

As you might have noticed, progress isn't going as fast as we all would like to see. But we feel that it's time to get our first 2.0 alpha version out soon because many people have already switched to the SVN version.

This first 2.0 release won't differ much from the 1.0 version functionality-wise, but under the covers things have changed quite a bit to have a solid foundation for the upcoming stuff.

We'll put in everything we have so far and also include some contributions that have been made by various users. Notice that it will be an alpha version, so there might be some small API changes in the next versions.

After releasing 2.0 alpha, the module development guide will be updated, because there are some important changes that benefit module developers.

8/22/2006 2:38:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 4

  • I am really looking forward to it

    by Tuna Toksöz - 8/23/2006 10:54:22 AM
  • i am working in Ajax Dojo | qooxdoo integrate.

    very goood work martin :)

    by identy - 8/28/2006 10:26:50 AM
  • Hello,

    I think you are doing excellent work, where can I get the 2.0 alpha? I am using strictly .net 2.0 and would like to start working with the 2.0 version from the ground up.


    by Bill Woodson - 1/15/2007 8:58:27 AM
  • Thank you for taking the time to write this blog post. Much appreciated, very valuable information.

    by Panerai Watches - 6/19/2010 9:35:06 AM
