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Forum module added to SVN

About a year ago, Steen Rabol started with a Forum module. It was a welcome addition especially because MySQL and Postgres users can't use the non-official YetAnotherForum module. Due to time constraints he wasn't able to continue his work, but fortunately, Patrick Gahan was willing to continue.

The latest version that Patrick contributed is now in SVN and will be included in the next official release. If you want to try it, check out https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cuyahoga/trunk/Cuyahoga.Modules.Forum.

It's still in the early stages, but you can get a nice idea of what it is going to be. Any feedback is highly appreciated.

Thanks to Steen Rabol and Patrick Gahan!

10/20/2006 4:15:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 1

  • thank you. i will be using this.

    by gedw99 - 10/24/2006 3:46:00 AM
