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Cuyahoga news

Happy new year!

I wish everyone a great 2007. Hopefully this year will bring a lot of good stuff!

Last year, it has been a little quiet, but that doesn't mean that nothing has happened. We're very close to a new release for the .NET 2.0 framework that includes a new solid base infrastructure, new modules and bug fixes.

After the next release, we're shifting up the gears! This is going to be possible because I quit my daytime job and we (me and a former co-worker) are starting our own software company right now. Our main activity will be general .NET development and consultancy, but we're also going to spend serious effort in Cuyahoga development.

1/2/2007 10:59:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 5

  • Happy New Year!

    Congrats on making the big move.

    From what I have learned and still am learning from the Cuyahoga source code - I know your consulting will be top quality.


    by Elias A - 1/2/2007 2:10:30 PM
  • Good luck with your company, and thank you for developing Cuyahoga!

    by Malte - 1/3/2007 3:18:45 AM
  • Happy new Year Martijn!

    I hope that the new company project is doing great!
    I know that this is going to be great for the Cuyahoga project as well.


    by Patrick GAHAN - 1/11/2007 8:21:47 AM
  • Happy new year ! Good luck to your new company !

    by Dieu Quan - 1/13/2007 4:43:33 AM
  • Happy New Martin.

    Cant wait to see what happening with Cuyahoga once you guys step up a gear on the code base.

    Thanks again for all the great work.

    by gedw99 - 1/23/2007 4:19:09 AM
