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Cuyahoga news

Subversion changes

There have been two changes related to the Cuyahoga SVN repository:

Btw, the 1.5.0 version is code-complete. Only testing and packaging to do. Anybody willing to help can checkout the 1.5.0 branch and give it a test-drive. Any issues found can be posted in Jira.

2/2/2007 7:50:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 4

  • Hi Martjin,

    I'm trying it right now, I'm having some small issues to upgrade from latest release.

    For an instance, I get a capacity was less than the current size.
    Parameter name: value message from the ServerControls\Pager.cs:666

    I'm trying to update to the 1.5 clean version right now.


    by Patrick GAHAN - 2/4/2007 7:43:37 PM
  • Hi Martjin,

    Will 1.5 support Mono? In case not, Is there any timeline? are you testing current code in mono last release?

    Please give us your opnion about when this important feature will be included again in cuyahoga.

    Thanks ;)

    by MonoFan - 2/6/2007 7:34:42 AM
  • It builds on Mono with the mono-2.0 profile, but at runtime it crashes due to an issue in Castle. But the Castle guys have been working on improving the mono-compatibility, so in the near future, I expect it to work again.

    by Martijn Boland - 2/6/2007 2:12:02 PM
  • Holap

    by Dense - 7/22/2007 7:48:00 AM
