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Cuyahoga news

CuyahogaContrib project started

We just started the CuyahogaContrib project on SourceForge. This project is especially for Cuyahoga related projects that are not part of the core project.

It's very easy to join this project: if you have a module or other add-on that you want to share with the community, you're invited. Just drop an e-mail at martijn [at] boland *dot* org with the project description and a little motivation.

A few simple rules:

  • Each developer is responsible for their own sources;
  • Developers must make sure that the source is compatible with the current Cuyahoga SVN trunk;
  • Developers can pick their own license for the contributions as long as the license isn't too restrictive (so no GPL, sorry guys);
  • When using databases: please try to support all three supported platforms (SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL);
  • Any contribution is welcome as long as it is useful. It doesn't need to be rocket science :).
The Flash module and the Forum module have already been moved to this project so the contributors can maintain their sources more easily.

You can find the project at http://sourceforge.net/projects/cuyahogacontrib and the SVN root folder is at https://cuyahogacontrib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cuyahogacontrib.

2/27/2007 4:19:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category CuyahogaContrib Comments 4

  • Great news.

    by gedw99 - 3/5/2007 10:18:00 AM
  • Dear Martijn,

    I'm new to C# and very interesting to join this community. Currently I'm evaluating Cuyahoga and willing to learn on how to create an effective and clean module by learning from other senior member project.



    by Gabriel Marsudi - 5/14/2007 3:36:21 AM
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