Cuyahoga 2.0: help needed
With the release of Cuyahoga 2.0 Alpha, we have the foundation in place to make Cuyahoga a better CMS in the future. This is also the time for a request: we really need some help to make the 2.0 version complete. If you like, you can help with one or more of the following items:
- File and image browser/uploader for the HTML editors. It should be easy to use it as plugin in both TinyMCE and FCKeditor;
- Design layout of the pages: currently we have a way of designing the page layout but I'm not entirely happy with how it works. It needs to be improved;
- Database scripts for MySQL en PostgreSQL (install and upgrade);
- Localization files for the admin (manager and module admin pages);
If you want to do something, please leave a message at the dev mailing list and we can discuss it.
12/12/2009 4:12:00 PM
Published by
Martijn Boland