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Cuyahoga news (Archive)

  • Cuyahoga 0.8.0 released

    A new Cuyahoga release has seen the light. Highlights are:
    • RemoteContent module
      Display content on your site from external sources. Combining multiple sources in one list is possible. The external content is cached locally. You can let the content refresh asynchronously to reduce page loading time when the cached content is expired. Currently only RSS 2.0 feeds are supported as external sources.
      Take a look here for an example of this module.
    • Downloads module
      Upload files that become available for download. The amount of downloads is count and you can restrict download permissions for individual roles and individual files.
    See the release notes for the complete list of changes. Download it here (of course, this is the new Downloads module :)).

    Originally, the Downloads module was planned to be a document management module, but it has become a simple file distribution module. You can have to extend the Downloads module yourself if you want more document management facilities. In the near future there will be a module development guide that uses the Downloads module as an example.
    6/11/2005 2:50:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 0
  • Article series about Cuyahoga and NHibernate

    From the statistics of this site, it became clear that many people are coming to this place because they want to know something about NHibernate. So that's why I'm trying to do an article series about all NHibernate related stuff in Cuyahoga. Check out my first attempt in the Developers section. It's about configuration and session management. The next article will cover the various mappings that are in Cuyahoga.
    4/26/2005 1:05:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 4
  • New template

    People get bored very easily and so do I. Time for a new template. I think this one will stay a little bit longer (unless some real designer can provide us a slick template :)).
    Oh, this one is called AnotherRed and you can find it in SVN.
    4/21/2005 12:20:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 0
  • Testdrive: Remote Content module

    No new release yet, but just a little update to inform you all what's currently going on.

    The next version will contain a new Remote Content module. Basically this is just an RSS aggregator that displays syndicated content.
    I tried to make it as friendly as possible for both content suppliers and Cuyahoga users. The syndicated content is cached for a configurable amount of  time and when it expires, the content is refreshed in background threads (you can turn this off, btw), so  there will be no noticable delay for end users when Cuyahoga is refreshing a feed.

    You can also combine multiple feeds in one display. This is particulary useful for a site like this one. For example, you can create one single list on the homepage that contains the most recent content from different parts of the site that have their content syndicated.

    The module is running on this site now for a little testdrive. Watch the Active topics section on the left. It consumes the active topics feed of the forum. There is also a well hidden little surprise for registered users that shows a little more possibilities of the module :).
    4/13/2005 1:11:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 0
  • Cuyahoga bugfix release

    As some of you might have noticed, the 0.7.0 release had a bug that prevented new users from creating an account. This was also the case on this very site. From now you can register again.
    The bug was a side effect from a fix in NHibernate 0.7 where a Date below 1-1-1753 isn't considered null anymore. Thanks to Mike Savage for pointing out. Next time I'm going to really read the NHibernate release notes :).

    The fixed sources can be found at the usual place. Besides the above issue, there is also a fix in the PostgreSQL database create script..
    4/3/2005 9:19:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 0