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Cuyahoga news (Archive)

  • Developers section added

    Since Cuyahoga might be interesting for .NET developers a Developers section was added to this site with information particulary aimed at people interested in technical aspects.
    1/6/2005 11:20:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Developers Comments 0
  • Forum added

    Just before the end of the year I added a forum to the site. Now we have a place where various aspects of Cuyahoga can be discussed and shared with the community (well, future community :)).

    The forum is a slightly modified version of Yet Another Forum.net. The guys who built this have done a great job! It was really easy to create a Cuyahoga module that embeds Yet Another Forum.

    Have a good 2005!

    12/31/2004 8:00:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 0
  • Cuyahoga 0.5 released

    The 0.5 release of Cuyahoga contains one new main feature (membership registration) and various bug fixes. You can download it here. If there is anyone who installed 0.4: lucky you! ;). You can find a database upgrade script in the /Database folder of the installation package.
    12/30/2004 3:01:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 0
  • So what about Mono support?

    One of the main goals of this project has always been to support Mono. But there are two main issues that prevent Cuyahoga from running on Mono:

    - Currently Cuyahoga uses NHibernate proxy objects (Castle DynamicProxy). They don't work with Mono (yet). A quick solution would be to turn off proxying and turn the caching a little more aggressive to reduce the database load.

    - Bugs in the System.Web classes. Cuyahoga modules use PathInfo variables for extended module parameters. Mono (or mod_mono?) thinks they indicate a folder on the web server. Aside from that there are other bugs that cause errors in some of the pages. I have the feeling that they can be worked around though, but I didn't have enough time to fix that.

    Some early versions completely worked on Mono, but with the latest additions, the Mono bugs did appear unfortunately :(.

    12/20/2004 1:32:00 AM Published by Martijn Boland Category Mono Comments 0
  • First version released

    Today the first version of the Cuyahoga web site framework was released. This initial release contains the core functionality (site structure, templates, personalization) and three modules (Articles, Static HTML and User).
    The next weeks I will update this web site with more information about features, modules, etc., so stay tuned. For now, you can download the sources and kind of guess what's in it. At least one thing I can tell you: the site you're viewing is what you get when you install the package :).

    12/19/2004 12:45:00 PM Published by Martijn Boland Category Cuyahoga Comments 0